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"I am truly honored to have met Fatima Coello, a wonderful director and friend. It is not very often you find people like her and pageants that are truly worth your while. I recommend Beauty Touches to every girl and young woman looking to change their lives in such an amazing way. This will open doors and empower you in a way you could never imagine. I am so proud to be part of such a great organization. Thank you Fatima and Beauty Touches Group Productions."

Jennifer Diaz - Miss Art Deco 2013

"As a title holder I can honestly say that Beauty Touches Group Productions has helped me so much in every way I can think of. I owe it all to Fatima Coello and Beauty Touches Group for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to achieve all my goals and to be part of their family."

Daniela Albrecht - Miss Jr. Art Deco 2013

 "I will never forget my year as Miss Art Deco 2014! I could not have asked for a better director to put on such an amazing show and fill my year with wonderful opportunities. Beauty Touches Group Productions will provide you with plenty of charity, fundraisers, fashion shows, and community-based events all throughout your reign so you can truly feel like a queen. I will always treasure the memories of attending the Veterans Gala, collecting money for the Children's Miracle Network, and modeling endless gowns. Beauty Touches Group Productions also help you in preparing for the state competition, thanks Fatima for all the helpful tips! One of the best parts of this pageant was getting the opportunity to make life long friends. Your sister queens will truly feel like sisters, love you Katarina and Yasmeen! Fatima and Jorge are a wonderful duo that will make sure you have a year of a lifetime."


Nicole Pelaez - Miss Art Deco 2014



"The young ladies added so much to our event. Thanks so much I want to especially express my deep appreciation to Katarina Wronka, Miss Teen Art Deco, and her mother for their great patience in waiting for their ride. And then the most wonderful gift happened - Katarina graciously agreed to my last-minute request to allow a 10-year-old girl from our neighborhood to ride with her. The original agreement was to let Victoria, the little girl, to sit on the seat - "at Katarina's feet" as she rode on the top of the convertible's back seat. Instead, when I next saw them at the start of the parade, Victoria was sitting next to Katarina on the back of the convertible!! Katarina obviously has a very big, gracious heart in that beautiful body. Such a dear young lady. Please extend to her my heartfelt wonder and thanks to her and her kind mother. And thank you for your graciousness in driving all the way to our neighborhood in Davie to accompany the young ladies and drive Jennifer in the parade. Such fun. Such beauty. Such joy! Wishing you and your family a memorable holiday!"




Kitty Preziosi - Chair of Annual Forest Ridge Holly Day Parade



"Just a quick note to, once again, thank you for your participation in our event. All the "misses" did excellent hosting and taking photos with the children. Their beauty and grace enhanced the event.Again, thank you for all your help and extend our gratitude to the young ladies that participate during the event!

Please let us know if you need any additional assistance."


Doris R. Rassi - Guest Services Manager of The Falls Shopping Center




"For someone who has never done pageantry, the Miss Art Deco pageant was a great first choice for me. The pageant was an experience in itself, but winning the competition opened so many doors I never even knew existed. Whether you're trying to build confidence or friendships, looking for some credibility or something to put on your resume, or just want to be exposed to something different, the Miss Art Deco pageant is a great endeavor to dive into. 


Before pageantry, I didn't understand commitment, didn't know how to apply makeup, do my hair, accessorize or even how to sit, stand or speak like a lady. Since winning my title, I've transformed entirely. I had the opportunity to be in countless fashion shows, speak in front of hundreds of people about important issues, learn and educate others about the Historic Art District of Miami, model for several designers and photographers, build my network of contacts for my career and compete in the ONLY state televised pageant in the country MISS FLORIDA USA... And it all started with making the decision to compete in the Miss Art Deco pageant!! 

I believe dreams don't work unless you do, but when you work hard for something, like a preliminary pageant title, you can win ... and that will give you the ability to walk through so many open doors ... Now, less than one year after winning, every single one of those doors is leading me to greatness! My name is Whitney Chaffin and I am Miss Art Deco 2015 ... This is my approved testimony and I highly encourage you to make the decision today to compete in the Art Deco pageant."

Whitney Chaffin

Miss Art Deco 2015





"HAPPY NEW YEARS FATIMA! Thank you for everything you've done for me this year, you have truly opened the doors for me. And thank you for letting me become a part of the Art Deco Pageant family. This will be a year I'll never forget. Thank you so much! You are the best pageant director ever!"


Sabrina Ramos - Miss Teen Art Deco 2015




"I have had an incredible and irreplaceable experience. This is such a unique title in that there is a significant involvement in the history of Miami thru the Art Deco culture. It's been an honor to be a part of supporting the preservation of the rich background that makes this beautiful city what it is today with events like the Art Deco Weekend. Also under the amazing directorship of Beauty Touches Group, who are so proactive with all their titleholders, I've been able to get involved with other great organizations such as Freedom Veterans of America and Live Like Bella. This is an experience I'd advise any driven young woman to pursue!"


Angela Overton

Ms. Art Deco 2015




"My reigning year as Miss Jr Art Deco has been the best year of my life. The best part of this year was meeting and making new friends like my sister queens. During my reigning year I had the opportunity to participate in many activities but some will stay in my heart forever. One of the most touching activities was the “Adopt a Meal” at Ronald McDonald House of Charity. There we had the opportunity to not only cook for the children and their families but also spend time with them. Also, I would like to thank God for giving me the chance to be Miss Jr. Art Deco 2015. I would also like to thank Alicia Faccio Modeling School for teaching me everything I know about modeling. Also, I would like to thank my mom for helping me achieve all my goals and activities. I would also like to give a special thank you to all my wonderful director Fatima for making my year possible."


Alexandra Perez

Miss Jr. Art Deco 2015




"Thank you so much for including me in the judging panel.


It was so motivating to us MDPL volunteers to hear in the girls’ speeches that their participation in the pageant increased their awareness of historic preservation and Art Deco! Exactly the mission we all want to accomplish!!


If you would just drop maybe 3 (if you have them to spare) of the pageant program books in the mail, so that MDPL has them for our recap and files of Art Deco Weekend 2016, that would be terrific!


Finally, thank you for all of your help in making the fashion show a success! It is a lot of work, a lot of coordination and it is truly appreciated."



Russell Lee -Chair of Art Deco Weekend, Miami Design Preservation League


"Dear Ms. Coello,I had the pleasure of judging the Miss Chalo Nitka pageant with your reigning Miss Art Deco International, Maria Marin Suri this weekend. I wanted to let you know what a wonderful representative this young girl is for for organization. She is not only beautiful, intelligent, and well spoken,, but she is also lovely on the inside. She handled herself with grace and dignity, well above what her age calls for. I am so very impressed with this young lady and thought you should know how well she represented your pageant system. I have been involved in pageants for almost 30 years and after seeing what type of young women you have representing your system I would love to become involved. If you are ever in need of a judge please contact me so we could meet.Once again I was truly impressed with Maria and she will do your pageant system proud representing Miss Art Deco. Congratulations on your past successes and good luck in your future endeavors."


Respectfully - Rhonda CIfone


"My testimonial of Miss Art Deco Pageant. The Miss Art Deco Pageant has been a blessing to be a part of as a parent. Weekly, my child has been involved with events that are a value to the community like rodeos, paraades, shows, and charities events. The director of the pageant is always at almost every event showing the girls support and confidence. She really adds value to the pageant. As a pageant parent, this is the best pageant  to be a part of."


Jack Marquez, Parent of Jacquelyn April Marquez - Miss Teen Art Deco 2016


"Fatima, let me say you have done a wonderful job not only with my daughter: Miss Art Deco, Tyeshaa Hudson, and with Miss Teen Deco, but with all the young lady. I can assure you that God is truly please with your great work and is always shining down on you. Be Blessed!!!


Hope Easterling, Parent of Tyeshaa Hudson - Miss  Art Deco 2016


"Fatima, First you are lovely. I just love your energy, your positive attitude and your willingness to help. Second, you play the most significant role in the fashion show, and that is providing the models. It would not be as show without you and I appreciate it so much!


Angela La Muse - Vintage Fashion Show Coordinator of Art Deco Weekend


Being Miss Art Deco 2017 has been a great honor and privilege because I lived and work for the beautiful city of

Miami Beach; a city that is very dear to my heart. Miss Art Deco has opened so many doors through the networking opportunities presented throughout the year. I have grown both personally and professionally thanks to all the opportunity this great organization offers to their titleholders. Working with Fatima and her husband has been such a pleasure. Both are very respectful, professional and always looking out for their queens. Thank you both for all you do and continue to do for your wonderful organization and titleholders. It was a great honor to be your Miss Art Deco 2017! Best wishes to the new titleholder; prepare for a wonderful year full of events, fashion shows, community events & so much more. Until next time.


Layda Hernandez - Miss Art Deco 2017! 


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